
Web Design Courses UI/UX
Without Coding - live with a Senior Web Developer

LIVE LESSONS ONE-2-ONE MENTORING Are you ready to get started and finally become a freelancer or the CEO of your first Start-up Business?

Web Design Courses | Mi2Design

Domain Names Registrar

1. You will learn how to find and choose an extension and activate a domain name.
Establish the connection and how to link domain to a hosting package.

Hosting / Servers Network

1. You will learn how to find the best hosting package for your website project.

 AddOn Domain, FTP setup, CMS Install, Email Setup, Disk Quota, Back Up.

Web Design  | Html5, CMS, CSS 

1. You will learn basic UI (user interface) skills,  html coding, links, buttons, forms.

Installation, Theme upload, Plugin install / Settings, Maintenance mode ...

Launching Website | Upload

1. You will learn how to upload website files into the WEB, using an FTP address.

 Back Up with Upload or Delete
Make Website Secure - SLL certificate.

Website Design (UI/UX) Intensive

You will learn to create a presentation website without coding!

A presentation website is a simple webpage that is the visual identity of a business or organization. 
This is a Intensive course of 10 hours divided into 5 days with 2h/day. 
Courses available only at checkout .  Usually first course starts in a weekend day between 08:00am - 04:00pm. Rest of couse classes will be announced after first 2h course.
Via ZOOM App or SKYPE App

At the end of this course you will know how to create a new website from scratch and launch it on the web. 

Need more information?
Contact us  01244 941 295

Web Design Course | Mi2Design

Online Shop Website

You will learn to create a basic Online Shop.

An E-Commerce website is using a CMS platform that gives the opportunity to sell virtual or phisical products online. 
This is a Intensive course of 14 hours divided into 7 days with 2h/day.
Courses available only Monday to Friday 08:00am - 04:00pm
Via Messenger, WhatsApp or Skype

At the end of this course you will know how to create an Online Shop from scratch and launch it on the web, how to create users, manage products, stocks and how to add prices and the mathematical algorithms or variations for each products like (colour, size, etc)

Need more information? Contact us 01244 941 295

E-Commerce Course Mi2Design Agency

Mi2Design Academy

Online Courses

Web Designer Course (UI)

  • Domain registration & Hosting 
  • Email Address & Installation
  • Web Design UI & CMS Dashboard
  • Website Files Upload 
  • Google Add URL
Mi2Design Academy

01244 941 295

available only for paid members!

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